Welcome to the College’s blog page, where you will find up-to-date and relevant insight to regulation-related topics and programs in the field of naturopathy. You will also be able to learn more about important regulatory issues of the day and will have an opportunity to engage in the discussion.

Accepting Delegation of Controlled Acts authorized to Naturopaths
Posting Date May 11, 2023

From the Discipline Files: Ungovernability – When a Registrant refuses to abide
Posting Date November 29, 2022

Top 5 Complaints and How to Avoid Them: Practising outside the naturopathic scope
Posting Date October 26, 2022
Top 5 Complaints and How to Avoid Them: Fees and Billing
Posting Date October 19, 2022

Top 5 Complaints and How to Avoid Them: ND-patient communication and Informed Consent
Posting Date October 12, 2022

Announcing the Retirement of Dr. Kim Bretz, ND from the Council Chair
Posting Date June 9, 2022

Top 10 Reasons Why you Should Volunteer with the College!
Posting Date April 4, 2022

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Focus Groups
Posting Date February 10, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccination Statement from the Council of the College of Naturopaths of Ontario
Posting Date November 25, 2021

Q&A - How much does the College pay in rent each month and why?
Posting Date February 19, 2021
For the fifth blog post in our Q&A series, we will tackle a question that has been asked of the College several times over the past few years.
Question: How much does the College pay in rent each month and why?

Q&A - Why has the inspection fee for a new premises been increased by $1,250?
Posting Date February 12, 2021
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!
For the next post in our Q&A blog series we were asked by several Registrants about the current Inspection Program consultation.
Why has the inspection fee for a new premises been increased by $1,250?
Q&A - Why remove “medicine” from the core competencies?
Posting Date February 5, 2021
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers: A new blog series.
For the second post in our Q&A blog series, we’ll be tackling a new question asked by several Registrants on one of the potential results of the core competencies consultation.
Why has the Quality Assurance Committee proposed removing “medicine” from the core competencies of the profession?

Q&A - When will the COVID-19 vaccine be available to NDs?
Posting Date January 29, 2021
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers: A new blog series.
For the next post in our Q&A blog series, we will be taking a question asked by several Registrants about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Does the College have information regarding the government’s COVID-19 vaccination program and if/when vaccines will be available to NDs?
Posting Date January 22, 2021
From time to time, the College receives inquiries from stakeholders and Registrants about various activities within the College. Often, these questions are ones that many actively seek answers to.
To help foster a better understanding of the College, its mission, the role it plays and its processes, we’re creating a new blog series that highlights those questions and their respective answers.
Let’s start off with a recent question.
Question: From whom does the College normally receive complaints? Is it mostly other Naturopaths, the public, the media?
Online Reviews and Advertising
Posting Date March 13, 2020
The following post talks about social media reviews from a health regulatory point of view and the public’s perspective on advertising by health professionals
5 reasons to volunteer with the College
Posting Date February 21, 2020
The College is looking for volunteers to fill a variety of roles. Whether you’re a member of the public or a naturopath (ND), volunteering can enrich your life.
Posting Date December 5, 2019
Welcome to our first blog post about some of the myths and misperceptions we hear about the College and naturopathic practice. Learn the truth about Board certification, Board exams, and new grads working “under an ND’s licence”.

Providing immune support to patients during COVID-19
Posting Date July 6, 2020
College Members and the public have both asked us about why naturopaths are not allowed to provide immune support for patient during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professional vs. Personal Opinions—Being cautious in these troubled times
Posting Date October 23, 2020
There are serious debates about the need for many of the public health measures being taken around the world and the impact of these measures when compared to the impact of the novel coronavirus.
As you contemplate these debates and your own positions on them, the College is calling on each Registrant to be cautious in how they may weigh in.
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